Monday, 9 January 2017



According to the Red Book, Ketu is called as a 'dog'. Hence whenever Ketu is malefic, it is always useful to serve meals to dogs.
1. If, due to malefic and damaging impact of Ketu, a son does not comply with or disagrees with his father or his treatment is failed, the father should donate blankets at Bhairon's temples, whereafter the son will behave nicely and respectfully with his father. According to 'Red Book' Ketu's adverse Impact can be offset by donating sesamum (or laddoos made from sesamum).
2. To appease, pacify and tone down damaging impact of Ketu. give part of your meals to dogs of different hues (colours).
3. If lord of Ili house. Ketu. Is posited in III house, or Mars or Moon, posited in VIII house, the native remains very disturbed, has feud with his brothers. The native should support a mark on his forehead with saffron, wear gold anywhere on his body and also float squarish pieces of copper in flowing water.

4. When Ketu Is confronted with Mars, Moon, Sun or Mercury, this planetary position is ominous for native's wife. But, this 1111mpact can be warded off by donating two dyed blankets at a temple. 

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