Sunday, 8 January 2017

Various methods suggested for accomplishment of different de-sires.

Various methods suggested for accomplishment of different de-sires.

1. To recall a person to home from another place, write this mantra and tie it to 'Aratia, write the person's name, and then recite the mantra.
2. If the Intention Is to decimate a person, use pen made out of pomegranate branch and write this mantra, go on consigning the mantra into fire. It will burn the enemy's body.
3. Write this mantra for 1 lakh times to get a prisoner released from jail.
4. To acquire vehicles, land and regime. Valle this mantra 2 lakh limes.
5. If a person writes It 3 lakh times he becomes empowered to curse anybody.
6. By writing this mantra 5 latch times, the aspirant acquires powers that whatever he utters will prove true (vanksiddhi).
7. If goes on writing this mantra for 6 lakh times, and consigns each mantra one-by one to the flowing river, he will subjugate all the animals of that area.
8.1f this mantra is written for 7 lakh times, the goddess of wealth, lakhshmi, will appear in person before him. He also acquires and enjoy wealth, prosperity and pleasures throughout his life.
9. The aspirant acquires eight types of accomplishments (Ashta siddhl) if he writes this mantra eight lakh times.
10. Pelty and smaller aims can be gained if this mantra is written 8 -10 thousand times.
11. If this mantra is written with pen of pomegranate branch, under the area of a banyan tree, on fourth day of black phase of moon, the devotee accomplies in performing some religious feat.
12. This mantra should be written one thousand times on the ground with ink made from with cow-urine. 'Mensil' camphor, 'Agar', one bark leaf. The leaf should be buried under that piece of land, the aspirant's penury will disappear.
13. Process an ink from bael leaves, 'Rasgandta', 'Hartal' and 'Mensil', using pen of branch of bad tree, and the yantra Is buried at a sacred place. the aspirant will acquire knowledge and whatever he utters will prove true.
14. Write this mantra on stramonium leaves with the crow's feather, keep in mind desired person's name. and at the end of mantra utter 'Hoon Phat Thum Thah' the targeted person will get enchanted'.
15. Sanctify this mantra and keep the same in eight metals. Then keep It In the house. Daily worship and behold this yantra. If any person, afflicted by an evil spirit/ghost. comes to your house, he will get freed from the clutches of such devilish spirits.
16. Dissolve the yantra in water. Give this water to the pregnant lady, who is about to deliver a child, she will not have any labour pains and will have an easy and hasslefree delivery. It was in September 1975, that a senior officers wife writhing with extreme labour pains and doctors. at the local Ummed Hospital. had declared that the lady will have to be operated quickly as she was having a dead foetus in her uterus and if operation is not performed the poison will spread all over the lady's body resulting in her death even. The husband came to my father. as the situation was frought with dangerous consequences. My father consoled and blessed him and assured that nothing untoward would happen to his wife. He gave him this yantra and asked him to dissolve the same in water which should be served to his wife. He acted upon the advice and, then, a miracle ensued- the lady gave birth to a baby infant and that too, without any operation. The child is still alive and has excellent health. The office is still feeling indebted. It implies that truth requires no proof. The aspirants should themselves experiment on the suggested methods and hopefully would intimate us about their experiences and reactions.
17.In addition to the aforesaid experiments this unique yantra has many other applications which are based on and need to be performed on specific week days, on the modes suggested hereunder, in relation to each week day.
1. Sunday
2. Monday
4. Wednesday
6. Friday

Note- All the modes and process related methods, explained here to fore, should not be confused and inter mixed, as each method has specific requirements which are required, with and practiced, as per laid town norms, otherwise the aspirant will get deprived of the expected and ensuing benefits.

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday

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