Monday, 9 January 2017



1. To mollify ill effects (like mother's illness, mental anxiety. lung related diseases, loss and destruction of money etc) of Moon, the native should keep milk or water mixed milk in a metal vessel under his bed at night (on sunday night) and then on the following monday (next day), he should saturate, after getting up In the morning, a fig or acacia (Baboon tree, without speaking even a word to any person.

2. When Moon is posited In the VIII house alongwith Saturn or Moon is posited in Scorpio sign with sat urn, the native must be having a well in the vicinity of his ancestoral house. In such a situation. the native fails to derive any gains from his paternal properly, agricultural land or produce and his own wife and he always remain agiteted and Indiscriminate. If the native seals such a well. he will yield immense gains, even beyond his own expectations.

3. If only Moon is posited in the VIII house and any Inimical star/ like Mercury etc. is posited in the ascendant. the native suffers horribly painful episodes upto 34th year of age. If the native is issueless. suffers from T.B.. lungs or kidney disorders, epilepsy or cancer due to the malefic effect of maleficence of moon itself, the native should act, as suggested hereunder -

(a) The native should fetch water from a well, located In a burial place/cemetary and keep the same In his house.

(b) Touch feet of the elderly persons of the family and serve milk to young kids.

(c) Process replica of moon in silver. keep the same in the house and worship it.

4. If Moon is posited in the XI house alongwith ketu, or both the stars are posited in sonic other house. then moon gets defiled - In such situations a native has no male issue as long the grand mother is alive but, If perchance a son is born, the grand mother gets blind or widowed and the child's life span is short lived. In such a situation. if there is hand pump. or any stone slab over which water always falls. should always be kept neat and clean. The child's mother should always rinse her eyes and forehead with water-mixed milk. The native should donate milk at Bhaison's temple to lice himself from wrath and III effect of ketu (Dragon's torso).

 5.If there is repeated birth of girls, due to weak semen. (fall or shortfall in sperms) and there is no birth of a son, then heaten a bowl or plate of gold On fire, when it gets reddened. boll milk in it. Then pour the same in a bigger utensil and continue to heaten the same as long a you are cohabitating with your wife. After mating, both the partners should consume this milk. This process has to be continued eleven times-one each day-it will give birth to a son.

6. Both the mother and her would be child continue to suffer during or at the delivery time and their life can also be in peril. if Moon Is posited in the XI and ketu in the III house. in addition sea voyage and other longiourneys prove abortive and cause losses.

According to author of the 'Red Book' a native whose Moon Is delibitated, defiled, must not sell milk and if Moon in the IV house is malefic, the native must not consume milk, especially at night but serve milk to young children and elderly people, free of cost. The native should process 121 laddoos' of condensed milk (khoya or Mawa) and let those be consumed by children or thrown into a river - it will provide him with instant relief. 

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