Sunday, 8 January 2017

XVIII Methods to impregnate -according to atharvaveda With relation to menstrual period

Methods to impregnate -according to atharvaveda

With relation to menstrual period

It is the mental and physical copulation between husband and wife, that results in the birth of children. Whether a child is born as a boy, girl or an enunch depends upon 'couple's actions performed in the previous birth, rather death factor is also dependent upon actions of the previous birth. There are many Instances available when Mantra. Mani (Gems. stones) and medical treatment have helped In the birth of a child. yet sexual mating, aided by Tantra, is no less significant. Since the methods employed have been well tried time and again. It has been thought At to include this chapter, as it is, from Atharvaveda for the benefit of readers.

Such a lady is a fit person for mating who treads slowly like a cow. is lazy, cheerful, who is desirous of conceiving from the core of her heart, such a lady should be mated by inserting ponies into her vagina with the intention of causing her conception. An Ideal time of sixteen day is a natural course for onset of menses in a lady< out of which first four days are prohibited for mating. Hence rest of the days should be utilised for conception. First four days, eleventh and twelfth nights are Inauspicious days, as these are condemned and in auspicious days but rest of the days are ideal and auspicious.

          If conception takes place on even nights (2,4,6.8), a male child will be born, but on odd nights (, a female child is born. Hence, the couples, who wish to have a son. should mate on even dates only and cause conceptions.

If male's semen is powerful and potent, a male child will be born, if, 'Raja' is dominant, a male child will be born. if both 'Raja' and semen are equally powerful, one may have once a son on one occasion and daughter on the other occasion. If there is birth of girls only, then It implies weak and spathe quantity of semen.

If conception takes place on fourth night. a son will be born but he will have shorter span of life, bereft of virtuous qualities will not abide by the well accepted norms and desciplines, will be a child with low thinking and conduct, a rank poor and a distressed child.

When conception takes place on fifth night, it will cause birth of a girl, on sixth a son is born and on seventh a girl is born, but there are chances of earlier death of such a child: hence these dates should be abandoned and left out. If conception takes place on eighth night, a lucky son is born. A lucky female child will be born if conception takes place on ninth night. Conception on tenth night results In birth of a splendid son, on the eleventh night's conception a religious minded girl is born, conception on twelfth night bestows, a gem among male persons. ir a person impregnates his wife on thirteenth night, then an idiot, morally wreck, cross breed girl is born who is a cause of defame, distress and worry. Impregnation on thirteenth night will yield a religious, obedient, obliging son who will have control over his senses, be an ascetic, with capability to rule over the world. In short the child will Inherit all the virtues and noble qualities of his father. If a wife gels impregnated on the fifteenth night, then a girl will be born who will acquire royal beauty. excellent luck, enjoys excessive comforts and pleasure, and remains faithful to her husband. If conception takes place on the sixteenth night, it will bestow a scholarly, child who will always speak the truth, exert control over his senses and look after the interests of her family members.

Tantra for causing conception to a (barren) lady
If a lady Is wet ( that is she is capable of conceiving) but is unable to conceive despite all sorts of treatment, then try the undermentioned tantras charms and God Willing, your desire (to have a child) will be fulfilled.
1. Bring root of 'Stagandharti on a Sunday, and grind the same in milk of a solo coloured cow and drink the resultant liquid during the period of menstruation. cat only 'South' rice and kodnary bean (Moong) - it will dispel frigidity and Infertility.
2. A lady, during the course of the said treatment, must avoid anxiety. stress, shock, fear, sleeping during daytime. eating much of spices and exciting food items too much of heat and cold. If she observes all the directions and cohabitales with her husband, she will conceive, even if she was previously termed as an infertile lady..
3. Take powder of boil root of 'Aprajita with the milk of a cow (who has recently delivered a calf) for 3 days after cessation of menses (not menopause), whereafter even a barren lady will be able to conceive.
4. Take powder of 'Nagkesar' with the milk of a cow who has delivered a calf for the first time for seven days. and also use milk and ghee of cow with her meals. It will also help a barren lady to conceive, so that she is blessed with a son.

5. Pound the root of an old lemon tree in milk, mix ghee with the same, and drink at daily so as to get aeon with long span of life.

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