Monday, 9 January 2017



1. To make Venus more benefic and auspicious donate cow and millet, and feed an attractive cow or a bull with a portion of your meals.
2. If inauspicious Venus Is posited in the ascendant and no other planet is posited in VII and X house, such a native marries at the age
of 25 and immediately after marriage he becomes a penniless person and his wife also dies. In such a state, use barley in your diet, ingest cow's milk and feed the birds with a combined feed of seven types of grains.
3. If malefic Venus is posited in Il house and Jupiter in VIII. IX or X house. the native's married life is feud ridden. If his wife is engaged in some service, she becomes a characterless lady, and the native leads a life of misery and misfortune, he may even suffer from sexual and venereal diseases and premature ejaculation. In such a situation he should use a sort of medicine which is rich in Mars element—it will prove beneficial for him.
4. If malefic Venus is posited in the V house, and Sun. Moon or Rahu are posited In the l or VII house the native is a man of lewd character, his children, do not obey him. there Is fear of theft, wife's allegiance remains suspected, money flow is also retarded. These situations can be corrected by looking after a cow and serve her and he himself should keep his conduct above board. Whether the native Is a man or a woman, he/she should wash his/her private parts with curd. If the given advice is followed, flow of money will start and luck also flourish.
5. If Venus is posited in V house, the native should donate copper coins or throw white flowers into a storm drain. should worship in a temple, donate a cow. If the native does as advised, he will be a person without an enemy, otherwise his character will remain clouded under suspicion.
6. Venus in IX house makes a native wealthy. industrialist and a person of sharp intellect. If such a person hurries squarish silver coins under a margosa tree, he will reap immense wealth gains. If moon or mars also joins venus. the native should bury a honey filled pitcher/ vessel at the foundation site—it will enhance salutary effect of venus more beneficial and auspicious.
7. If Venus in IX house is encircled by malefic stars. Mercury or Kau. the native's children experience multiple problems. In order to get rid of such unfavourable state% one should dig in squarish silver nieces within stern of margosa tree. and also spread margosa tree's wood and powder thereon. 8. An auspicious Venus in XII house causes trouble to native's wife. But the malefic effect can be warded off if a blue or indigo coloured flower is buried in jungle.
9 When Venus is posited in XII house and Rahu is also posited in II, VI, VII of XII house, the native suffers badly upto 25th year of his life but the malefic effect can be dispelled by keeping a cow or buffalo (of black colour) in the house.

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