Monday, 9 January 2017



1. To yield benefit results from Rahu the native should cause to flow some quality of (black) charcoal or soft coke In a flowing river. Donation of radish Is also said to Impart excellent benefits.
2. If Rahu Is completely malefic and inauspicious, the native suffers from high fever, number of his enemies is on the rise, wanders aimlessly here-and-there, his mental balance gets upset. In such odd and inauspicious states, the native should resort to the undermentioned devices.
(a) He should donate red lentil (Masoor-ki-Daal) or some coins to a scavenger early In the morning. this being his very first act after getting up.
(b) In case of any incurable disease. float wheat or barley equivalent to the weight of native, In flowing water.
(c) Should keep barley grains underneath his pillow, at the time of retiring to bed. and feed the birds with these grains early in the morning.
(d) If a native Is embroiled in litigation in court. there is an on-going brawl/feud, there is extreme trouble and also impending chances of being punished by the state authorities he should float coal. equal to the weight of his body. In the flouring water Ma river—it will Impart instant relief from such problems and troubles.
3. If Rahu is posited in the V house and the native encounters difficulties on account of his progeny and wife, he should pose as If he were remarrying his wife (this is a sort of practice of mock manlage). While entering into his paternal house, he should place a piece of silver at the door-frame. This way all his problems will disappear.

4. When Rahu is posited in the XII house. the native has to expend money in unwanted facets. he suffers from feuds and quarrels. is subjected to trumped up charges of falsehood and theft. to tide over such abnormal and Inauspicious problems, the native should take his meals in his kitchen itself where food is cooked. and keep all the articles. relating to Mars. in his bedroom—it will completely dispel) all types of damagingly inauspicious effects of Rahu. If Rahu. position is Inauspicious In a native's horoscope and the native is subjected to damaging results, he should float a coconut in running water of a river so as to get rid of all the harmful p:oblems. If the native is suffering from Pthisis (T.B.) and cannot be cured by any type of treatment and medicines, he should wash barley grains in cow's urine, bind the same In a red cloth, apart from cleansing his teeth with cow's urine. This way the patient will feel much relieved and benefitted. 

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