Sunday, 8 January 2017

Yantra Emancipation

Yantra Emancipation

This is correct and pure Beesa yantra which I have located from my maternal grand father’s diary. This yantra has eight directions and a large hexagon within the square hence its nomeclation as ashtadalatmak Beesa? In all it has 32 angles. In the diagram four corners have been shown on all the four directions and with the help of triangles, forming in the squares, four directions are worshipped. Figure in the centre, that is '10', denotes presence of 'Mahavidya'. Figure'2' in eastern angle represents Shiv + Shakti. No '8' in western angle denotes eight accomplishments. figure No '4' in southern side denotes four ages and Vedas. Figure in the northern side denotes six types of taste. No '7' in the north-east side indicates 'Sapta Rishi' and 'Saptadeepl Vasundhra'. Figure '9' in Agnikone' (south-east) direction indicates 'Navkhanda Navanath', nine planets. No '3' in south-west side indicates Trideva. Trigunatmak Shakti.% and No'1' in north-west side represents one supreme being, one God almighty onkar, the middle part ('O') ' zero represents 'Sky' (Vacuum)- this is how our ancient sages have described details of 'Beesa yantra'.

 If figures of four directions are added, the sumtotal will come to 20. Viz a. 2+10+8=20 b. 6+10+4=20, c. 1+10+9=20 and d. 7+10+3=20. If figures of all the four angles arc added, it will also total upto 20 Viz (a) 2+6+8+4-20 (b) 7+1+3+9=20 which is known as two fold 'Beesa'. This way we find six types of Beesa yantra. Twenty phases (of moon) are constituted from this yantra. If figure '10' is left out, as (a) 2+8 (b) 6+4. (c) 1+9 (d) 7+3 which implies four 'Dasas'. If two directions and one angle are combined, it will result in (a) 2+7+6 (b) 6+1+8, (c) 8+3+4 (d) 4+9+2 - this way this Beesa yantra can be accomplished and sanctified four ways. If figures of northern side + north-east side are combined (6+7) southern side + south west side (4+9). North + North -West (6+1) total of both the bracketed figures come to 7. But the total of figures in the east + North-east (2+7) west + north-west (8+1) comes to 9. If figures of East + South -west (2+3) and south+ Northwest are coupled, the total comes to 5. This way. Beesa yantra is instrumental in bestowing 21 types of accomplishments (9+7+5=21). Hence it is rightly called as the supermost yantra.

          There are many types of Beesa yantra which, according to hearsay, is employed for various accomplishments, Viz:

This a subtle of five cornered Beesa yantra which is studded in Tantric rings. it has nine 'Kalaas' (a) it is Beesa from two sides (b) Jatarla, from two sides (c) 'Paneria' from one side (d) Unneesa from one side and (e) 'Ikkisaa' from two sides. Figure '3'. lying in the centre of yantra, helps to acquire victory. Righteousness, money, activity, and salvation.

This yantra has 24 angles which constitute an eight-petalled triangle. In chess a horse moves at 4 paces and an elephant at 3 paces, and figures 0 (zero) and '5' are missing here. In between, the word 'Hareeng' denotes 'Mayabeej, which is surrounded by 'Mahagaureeti chashtaamam' which is signified by eight triangles. and midway lies a triangular (Peetha) seat which represents seed of desires (say sex or general desires). The aspirants utilise this yantra in accordance with the desired results. This yantra indicates that eight types of 3eesa can be formed out of this yantra Viz - (a).7,3.2.8 (b) (c) 7.3.93 (d) 8,2.9.1 (e) (I) (g) 3,2.9.6 and (h) 3,9.2,6 - the sum of all the said types totals upto 20. If figures of east and west directions are added, we get (a) 7+8 (b) 6+9 which make two types of 'Panaria'. Similarly when (a) 3+2. (b) 4+1 are added. It make the figure '5' in each ease, which implies that aims can be a accomplished in five ways. When figures of triangles arc added we obtain (a) 7+3 (b) 8+2 (e) 9+1 and (d) 6+4, that is figure '10' is obtained by adding the figures in each triangle. In short, this is the sort of yantra that encompassed figures like 5.10.15 and 20, as explained above. This is how this yantra is known as the Beesa yantra having 16 'Kialaas'.

This Beesa yantra consists of four triangles 5 qudriangles and 28 angles. In the Centre there is no quadriangle or zero or figure '5' and no digit has been repeated again. This is known as 'Pancha Tattava Beesa which implies that we can obtain the figure of '20' by five different ways, Viz. (a) (b) (c) 9,.3.2.6, (d) and (e) 1.4.8,7. Since there is no inclusion of any other yantra in it is a genuine and pure beesa, having eight such divisions. as is clearly evident from the given diagram.

This Beesa yantra has nine squares which constitute 36 angles. There is absence of '6' but figure '5 is existent. If figures of three squares are added it will constitute six types of Beesa, Viz (a) 2.8.10 (b) 8,7.5 (c) 7.9.4. (d) 1.10.9 (e) 8.3.9. (0 7.3.10. This beesa is considered to be air-predominant, having six 'Kalaas'.

This Beesa yantra consists of 9 squares. but does not have figures 'O' (zero) and '10' and no figure has been repeated again. (i.e.) figures from I to 9 have been utilized. This is an effective and powerful. 'Nirvaan yantra having 'Beejaakshar (s). The digit '5'. In the centre, represents Patch Parmeshwar' (Five Gods). 'Pancha tattva' (Five elements). 'Ranch vaayu' (Five types of wind). 'Pancha agna' (Five types of tire). If figures in the four squares are summed up. It makes Beesa yantra. Viz (a) (b) (c) 2.8.9,1 (d) By adding figures of centrally located squares, a makes two Beesa yantras. Viz (a) 7.5.8 and (b) 6,5.9. This way six types of Beesa yantras can be had. as explained above. If central digit '5' is not taken Into account, it will make two types of 'Panaria,', Viz (a) 7+8 (b) 9+6. 0 all the four figures of outer squares are added It will give figure of 10. viz (a) 1.5.4 and (b) 3.5,2. This way, this Beam yantra represents 'Ekaadash Rudra' (eleven kinds of Matra); eleven 'Kalaas' and fire element But, all said and done. it Is quite difficult to assimilate and comprehend the Import inherent in this yantra.

This Beesa yantra consists of six hexagons, three triangles. 33 angles and nine squares but there is no square and figure 10 present in the centre. But, despite this, the marvel being that ten beesas can be carved out the given figure. Viz (a) (b) 9,1.8,2, (c) (d) 1,7,4,8, (e) (I) 3,7.1,9. (g) 2,8,4.6, (h) (i) (0 9.5,6,. Total of three triangular figures makes two 'Panariati Viz (a) 9.1.5 and (b) 6,4.5. Also If left and rights sided squares are added, the total will also come to 15, Viz (a) 9.6 (b) 7.8. When (a) 1+4 (b) 3+2 are added. It totals upto 5 in both cases which represent five types of accomplishments. When figures of three triangles are added, we get 10(5+3+2). and angular calculations also come to 10. Viz (a) 9+1, (b) 3+7 (c) 6+4 (d) 2+8. From the above given details we notice that all powerful and benefit Beesa yantra, having twenty one 'Kalaae', is obtained.

This Beesa yantra represents nine stars and is empowered with prowess of Jagdarnba. By worshpping this yantra peace prevails, all types of upheavels and problems get dispelled which are caused by malefic impact of stars). Relevant and complete details about this yantra have been explained earlier. This yantra Is Infallible. Its eight corners are,seats. of eight 'Khshetrapals eight 'Iokepals', and eight kinds of accomplishments. Hence names of the said details and accomplishments should be inscribed on a bark leaf. If this yantra is carved in the shape of a lotus. it will assume. shape of a 'lotus yantra' (Kamal yantra) which is capable of bestowing immense wealth. prosperity and money. If is written in the middle and 'Nirvaana Mantra' is also written. it assumes form of the 'Dcvaanugraha Beesa yantra. If an aspirant recites fourth chapter of Du rgasaptashat I' on this yantra. his acumen and prowess will increase multifold and he will succeed in all walks of life.

          Process : An aspirant can achieve immense wealth if he writes 2000 yantras (Beesa yantra) on an auspicious day, when sun Is In its northern solistice and ascendant is posted in a static sign (Rashi). Appropriate and prescribed pen. Ink and direction should be employed, in conformity with the specific aim to be achieved. If sun is in southern solistlee, only a medium type of result is achieved. During the process of ritual performance, the aspirant should exert control over his senses, eat less, sleep on the ground, obey the rules, speak the truth or else keep silent. 1/ 10th of total mantras should be recited at the tune of sacrifice. He should also wipe and clean the place of oblation, entertain Brahmins. Rest of the formalities can be performed as described and detailed under tanchdashis.

          To Reprimand an enemy by sending a powerful ghost

          (1) Take some dust from underneath the feet of the enemy, ash of a burning body, blood from the middle finger- mixed all these ingredients and process an effigy, replica or idol of the enemy. Inset, horse been sanctified with 'Maaran Mantra' indicated hereunder. If this experiment is carried out at midnight, the aspirant can decimate a powerful enemy. even If he posesses might of lord Indra.

Maaran Mantra (Mantra for decimation)

 Write the name of the enemy in place of the word
2. This experiment should be practised on eighth day of black phase of moon and should be concluded on the following fourteenth day: by reciting 108 mantras daily. Take branch of a margosa (Neem) tree, equivalent to the length of four fingers. Tic enemy's hair around this branch, write enemy's name there on. Thereafter go to a funeral ground and let the smoke of dhoop touch the written name keeping the branch above the funeral fire. This Is to be performed for three nights or seven nights, whereafter the ghost will catch hold of the enemy and reprimand/harm him.

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
Astrologer and Tantri

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Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday

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