Sunday, 8 January 2017

Purification of yantra

Purification of yantra

All the above four yantras are known as 'Panariya yantra' or Panchdashf yantra in which there is no but figures from to 9.
These digits are written, in nine squares- one digit in each square and there is no repetition Of any digit in anyone of the digits in any one Square. This way, this yantra imparts and bestows nine types of accomplishments (Navnidhi) and eight types of wealth (Ashta siddhi). The sanatanists call it 'Nirvana Mantra', as it consists Of nine digits.
while the 'Shaktas' (who believe in the cult of 'Shako') call it 'Navadurga. Recluse ascetics consider it by the name of "Navnath'. The Jainis recite it' through - Navkaar yantra. Muslim breathern write the names of their nine peers, while Najoomis write names Of nine planets. This way this yantra is used by almost all the sects and religions, even though the type worship may vary. Entire universe is subdivided into nine divisions. 'Navadha Bhakti' has also nine different Ways, traits the Brahmins are also nine, and there nine types each of gems and planets. The planets are offhoots of lord Shiva. and entire calculation. of Tune' (due to being divided by 'Tithis'-days-represents 'Shakti'. In fact these
Yantras represent three worlds (Triloke). When digits are added from which ever side, the total will come to 15 which figure is considered a composite of 'Shiva' and 'Shakti'.

          Above 'Panariyan' yantra conjoins at eight points, there being eight triangles in the form of eight corner - triangles - (a) 2. 5, 8. (b) G. 5. 4.
2, 7. 6. (d) 6. 1. B. 3, 4, (Il 4, 9. 2. 7,5.3, 1, 5. 9.. Total of all the sides also upto 10. viz. (a) 7, 3, (b) 9. 1, 6. 4. 8. 2.. © 6,4, (d) 8,2.. This yantra also compasses 'BEESA' like (a) 7. 1. 3. 9 and (b) 2, 6, 8.4 - This way this yantra has 14 'KALAS' (portion/division or digit of the moan or 16th part of the moon's diameter). Hence 14 'Kalas' get re-established in this yantra (8 types of figures + 4 'Dasas'  + 2 Beesas =14 'Kalas'. If digit of 10 is inserted in place 5, it will make a 'Beesa', as the total will conic to 20. If any digit is repeated again. it is considered be a distorted and defective version this yantra. Here digit '5' is considered as an auspicious digit which forebodes welfare and prosperity Hence. 5 is substituted by '10' or any other digit, it will create obstacle in getting desired results. Beesa yantra cannot be drawn without the ligure Hence and are most appropriate and
indispensible digits or this yantra. This way the Indicated form or this yantra is in order and correct. Because '5' is the basic digit here. This (Traits) is replete with immense power which consists of three traits draits). Digit '5' submerges into digit For instance 10+15+20= 45 = 9. This way this yantra consists of 15 'Kalaas' and if 'Nirvana'
mantra is added to it it Will represent 16 'Kalaas' of moon A Panaria yantra having 16 'kalaas'.

(Vijayasiddha Panaria Yantra)

This Panari Yantra, alongwith basic (Moola, fundamental) mantras, should be worn on right arm or on right hand-it imparts success in all
Fields, hence its nomeclation as 'Sarvasiddha Panaria yantra'.

Root Mantra Without the aid and knowledge of root mantra, this 'Panchdashiyantra' cannot be awakened and "Root Mantra' being

This mantra is of four kinds. viz: 'Aatsi'. 'Khaaki', 'Vaadi' and 'Aabi' and all these yantras have been mentioned earlier. Three different Rastas (Zodiac signs) have been assigned to each type of yantra. Hence, an aspirant should use only that yaniru which falls under his own Rashi, and not any other type.

This yantra, if used under laid down methods. is capable of bestowing money and wealth, can decimate enemies, release a prisoner from prison, helps to see deity's image. A part front enchantment etc. This mantra should be written 11/4 lakh times systematically which process is known as 'Purushcharate'. This mantra, written 1 1/4 lakh times, is capable of accomplishing the aspirant's desires. For enchantment add the word (Hareen) along with the root mantra, and recite this word and root mantra.

Process : Be seated on an 'Mans of a red cloth and procure best quality of Dhoop. Try this experiment at a secluded place. First of all, clean the place with cowdung. and then write the root mantra with liquified red sandal or saffron, and then lighten an earthen lamp, using cows ghee. if the motive is welfare and prosperity, then keep it facing east and /or north, otherwise keep it facing west and/or south sides. Wick should be processed from 1008 or 18 strings of  'Mouli' (twisted red coloured thread). During the process, eat only pure and bland diet, maintain celibacy, do not get your head shaved nor masticate betel, use the same venue for sleeping where entire process is to be performed. Inscribe this yantra on a bark leaf or paper, using 'Asbtagandha'. Take 1/1/2 wide and I long plank of mango woods, prepare ink from mica. red colour (Gulal - used during 'Holt') and write this yantra on the plank with a pen of pomegranate branch. as this is the best method to write the yantra. For a specific accomplishment, only the prescribed pen and ink should be used. Each yantra is used for a specific purpose. For acquisition of wealth adopt the reverse course, that is start from 9 downwards (in descending order), finally concluding at Number 1. Residual portion of ink, that falls apart from the pen after writing, should be mixed with flour, process small rolls and be thrown into water, for the diet of fish. If the fish consume these balls. it indicates success but If not eaten, then it is Indicative of failure. Commence the process when 'Chandra Nadi' is operative, if the aimed object is 'nominate (immobile) if It Is mobile, start when 'Surya Nadi' is operative. (This pertains to two nasal nostril and breathing is a synonym for 'Swat" or' Nadi'. It is said that only one nostril is operative at a time). If the left nostril is active, then kept left step (foot), and if right one is active, then put the right foot on the seat. Do not be dejected if horrible dreams are seen. When the process is over, perform oblation with one tenth part of total mantras. Serve sweet dish of 'Rhea' to the tiny girls. On the conclusion of the process chant religious songs, seek and enjoy the company of ascetics. Do not disclose the result of accomplishment to anyone, that Is maintain a secret and do not disclose for nine days. 

For Advanced Mantriga Proyogams And Online Classes On Mantrigam Tantrik, meditation And Rasavatham (ALCHEMY)

Maha Mantrika Chakravarthy Sivayogi Vasiyogi Sai
Astrologer and Tantri

Contact  :  91 9094663458
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Consultation Strictly By Appointment Only

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Ammavasiya and Purinam are Holiday

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